GamingHave you played… Call Of Duty: Warzone?

A screenshot showing a shooty boy in Call Of Duty: Wazone in free fall towards the map, having just leapt from a plane

I consider myself quite the all-rounder when it comes to playing games. I’ve sampled a little bit of what sometimes feels like every game ever made during my five-squared years on this earth. And yet somehow, inconceivably, before last year’s Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare I’d never played a CoD game before. I’ve no idea how it happened (or didn’t happen), but it did (or didn’t).

Then, as if to make up for all that lost time, the CoD Gods dropped Call Of Duty: Warzone on me a scant few months later. And in a twist of irony, I’ve played very few games since.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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