GamingKeep Armored Royale as a permanent mode in Warzone, you cowards

Two trucks in Armored Royale side by side in a big old gun fight.

Boots on the ground. Hah, “boots on the ground”. That’s so last gen, so, I don’t know, basic. Armored Royale is the hotness in Call of Duty: Warzone right now, and it’s all about boots on the clutch. It’s a mode in which you care and nurture for an armored truck like it’s your child. As long as it stays alive, your team can respawn back into its waiting, metal embrace. If it explodes in a hail of shrapnel, your ability to respawn is severed. And thus, you must roam Verdansk vulnerable and shaken without your big four-wheeled boy. So, it’s important to keep your truck well maintained – as the old saying goes, “the team with their truck still in tow often wins, hoo-ah!“.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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