GamingThe Sunday Papers

Sundays are for– oh no. Sundays are for doing my taxes. Quick, let’s procrastinate with some of the week’s best games writing (and podcasts, and TikToks).

Brendan Caldwell, former features editor and current RPS list goblin, launched a podcast this past week. Hey Lesson! is a podcast about asking smart people stupid questions about videogames. For example, he asks neuroscientist Dr Ofir Turel about piss mushrooms in Death Stranding to figure out why our brains crave ‘likes’, and talks to caver Christine Grosart about animals getting lost in caves a la Spelunky. This is a great idea for a podcast, finely produced, and each episode also has a co-host, including familiar voices like Paul Dean and other former RPSman Matthew Castle. If you like the series, consider supporting Brendan’s work via Patreon.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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