GamingHearthstone's Uther Lightbringer: absolute lad

Uther Lightbringer, the Paladin off of the warcraft, having an utter rager in magaluf.

Every month as part of its Book Of Heroes business, Hearthstone releases a short single-player adventure, telling the life story of one of the big characters off of Warcraft, via card-based boss battles. They’re lovely, and I really like them. The new Book Of Heroes just became available, and features everyone’s favourite mellifluous fantasy bigot, the paladin Uther Lightbringer.

Uther is a sort of cross between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bean Dad, who in Warcraft lore does such a piss-poor job of mentoring young Prince Arthas, that the geezer only goes and becomes the Lich King. Over the eight battles of Uther’s story, the paladin himself narrates these events from his perspective, and some insights are gleaned: Uther used to be a priest. Uther really, properly despises orcs (in a way that gets quite uncomfortable to listen to). But most of all, Uther used to be an ABSOLUTE MAD LAD.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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