GamingPlanetary Annihilation: Titans is still being updated after five years, under new management

A screenshot of Planetary Annihilation: Titans showing the surface of a lava planet, upon which stands a titan robot who towers over several dozen small robots around its feet.

One of Valve’s yearly, player-voted Steam Awards is called the “Labor Of Love” award. It’s designed to reward a developer that has been continually updating a game for years. Naturally, the award goes to games with big, satisfied communities with lots of players to vote, and in 2020 the award went to Valve’s own Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The other nominees were Among Us, Terraria, The Witcher 3 and No Man’s Sky.

Worthy games, but I’m going to make a belated pitch for a left field contender: Planetary Annihilation: Titans, a real-time strategy game that hoped to follow in Supreme Commander’s big robot footsteps, and which has been quietly humming away under new developers for the past couple of years.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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