GamingViewfinder review: a mind-bending puzzler where perspective is everything

In Viewfinder, you solve puzzles by figuring out the right way of looking at things, and you do that here by both physically moving around its abstract 3D spaces, and by mentally wrapping your brain around its mind-bending rule set. Perspective is key because here's the thing: this is a world where you can bring photos to life, the 2D image becoming a 3D reality when you place it within the puzzle world.

It's an incredible hook and one which I've never seen in a puzzle game before. There are echoes of The Witness, Gorogoa, and Superliminal here, but Viewfinder's dizzyingly mind-melting puzzles are still very much its own. It impresses from the get-go and continues to pull tricks out of its silky tophat right until the end of its four hour run time. It's compact, brilliant, and one of the best puzzle games of 2023.

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from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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